
Zoom Meeting with Fukushima Kids

We had two zoom meetings with the fukushima kids last month.

It was great to catch up with the kids who already

 have came to Cairns before as well as those who will coming to cairns to share the opportunity.

They talked about how important their story was, about 

311 earthquarke and nuclear accident

 as children young generation don't remember about it much.

We would like to be a platform for people from Fukushima

So they can share their story comfortably.

If you would like to join the next meeting,

Please let us know by mail;  smilewithkids8@gmail.com

Thank you.


Zoom Meeting with Fukushima Kids

Because the Fukushima kids can't come to Cairns due to Covid 19 this year, 
we have a zoom meeting with the Fukushima kids once a month.

The students who came to Cairns before also shared their experiences in Cairns to new students.
Their main message is
Please don't worry, Just enjoy great experience in Cairns!
We would like to continue zoom meeting with Fukushima kids for follow up till they can come to Cairns.
If anyone would like to join this meeting, please let us know.
Thank you very much for all your support.
We really appreciated.


Refresh Camp 2020 : Postponed to Next Year...

Hello everyone!!  We hope everyone is staying safe & healthy.

With your support, in our 6th refresh camp, 9 children will come to Cairns from Fukushima. But, due to this Covid-19 situation, we will postpone Cairns Refresh Camp to a later date.
But we are still connecting to the Fukushima kids with Zoom and talking about current situation in Fukushima and Cairns. If anyone would like to connect with Fukushima kids online, please let us know.

Thank you very much for your continuous support and understanding. We really appreciate it.

Please stay tuned to our Facebook!



Many thanks

Smile with Kids


Thank you for the Donation at Japan Day of Hope 2020!!

Thank you for your coming to the Japan Day of Hope 2020 on 7 March.

It was just before the coronavirus pandemic and we really appreciated that a lot of people came along despite of the concerns.  
We could raise $7433.55 for supporting Fukushima children. We really appreciate it.

Thank you for your continuous support!!

Smile with Kids Team


10th Japan day of Hope is on tomorrow.

Thank you very much for all your support for our 10th Japan day of Hope event.

There are some people from Fukushima talk about current situation in Fukushima.

There are many great performance stalls and food!

Please come and enjoy the day.

Thank you.









Volunteer Members Wanted! - Japan Day of Hope 2020

Japan Day of Hope 2020 will be held on Sat, 7 March.

We are wanting volunteer staff members who can help us on the event day.

The venue is Edge Hill State School (254 Pease St, Edge Hill QLD 4870).


Email: smilewithkids8@gmail.com
(Please write "Volunteer" in the title of the email)

Especially the starting time, around 8am, we need a lot of hands!!
Of course any time, just short time is fine, the event will finish around 4pm.

動画撮影&編集(Video shooting & editing) 
お好み焼きブース(Okonomiyaki stall) 
アートブース(Art stall) 
焼き菓子+本ブース(Backed snack & Bool stall) 
体育館展示&メッセージブース(Display & Message booth) 
日本小物販売(Japanese Goods Sales stall) 
キッズ輪投げブース(Kids Quoits stall) 
おりがみ(Origami stall) 


※After the event, a volunteer certificate will be issued.


Email: smilewithkids8@gmail.com
(Please write "Volunteer" in the title of the email)

Let's enjoy Japan Day of Hope 2020 together!!


Australian Bush fire Charity Live report

Australian Bush fire charity live organized by Makiko san.

We really appreciated Michael san for great support for charity.

Also Thank you very much Cairns Counsil for venue and setting up. 

 MC Chisa with great passion.

Clem's speech. Her father is fire fighter.

Please see performer's photo at Event page

With many people support we could raised $2205.55

 Account Report for Australian Bush Fire Charity Live
Thank you very much for organizing great event Makiko Omae san , Chisa san.
Thank you very much for all your support for Australian Bush Fire Charity Live.
We really appreciated.
After charity live, 

we received $20 donation from Anne.
We received $259.90 donation from ケアンズ日本人会 's event from 1st Feb.  https://www.facebook.com/jscns/

Our Total donation for Bush fire support is $2205.55.
Thank you very much for all your support for Australian fire fighrters!
We would like to report that we sent all donation motey to these 4 organizations.

1)NSW Rural Fire Service Bank $551

2) Country Fire Authority Public Fund $552

3) SA: Donate - CFS Foundation
CFS volunteer firefighters deserve your support, help us achieve that goal by donating today.

4) QLD: The Rural Fire Volunteer Brigades Donation Fund.  $551.55

 Thank you very much Tokyo tower!


東京タワーは、世界タワー連盟【WORLD FEDERATION OF GREAT TOWERS】の呼びかけに賛同し、 オーストラリアで発生している大規模森林火災の犠牲者や、多くの野生動物たちに哀悼の意を表すとともに、 世界中に支援の輪を広げるべく、1月26日(日)の日没(17:01)から24:00まで、 オーストラリア国旗をイメージしたカラーのライトアップ(インフィニティ・ダイヤモンドヴェール)を点灯します。
 オーストラリア国旗をイメージした青・白・赤のライトアップや、 オーストラリアのナショナルカラーである緑・金をイメージしたカラーでライトアップする事を表明しています。

過去には、2011年4月5日、東日本大震災の被災者を応援しようと、 世界タワー連盟に加盟する9つのタワーが、日の丸をイメージしたライトアップを点灯したことがあります。
2020年1月26日(日)、東京タワーは、1日限定でオーストラリア国旗をイメージしたカラーにライトアップし、 世界のランドマークとともに、大規模森林火災へ哀悼の意と支援を呼びかけます。



Japan day of Hope on 7th March this year.
See you there.

Thank you.


Japan day of Hope posters are ready.

Japan day of Hope 2020 posters are ready now.

The Plan Man printed for our charity as donation again this year.

We really appreciate their continous support.

Great quality and service print shop.
Highly recommended.

Thank you very much Mick san, David san for great support!!!

Thank you very much You-Mart Cairns for displaying poster.

Also they offer Japanese special rice for our charity auction.

Thank you very much!

If you can put poster in your area, please collect posters from You-Mart.

Thank you so much for your help!
