
Thank you very much for all your support for Japan day of Hope 2019

Thank you veyr much for all your support for our 9th Japan day of Hope event.

 With your support, we could raise $10868.30 this year.

 Thank you very much for all volunteer staff, stage performaer, stall
, prize and all donation.

We really appreciate all your help.

This is Japan day of Hope 2019 movie that introducing current situation in Fukushima and voice from Fukushima.

Event Movie part 1.

Event Movie part2

 Thank you very much Win news.

 Thank you very much Cairns Post.

 We had a great performance on the stage all day.

Reiko from Fukushima talked about current situation in Fukushima.

These are Photo exhibition.

We hope this will be one of opportunity to know current situation and think what we can do for peaceful future.

Pastel art exhibition.Thank you very much for warm heart from Japan and Australia.

These arts from Fukushima children.

Some of Message for Fukushima.

 Please have a look event photo at our event page.

Photo: Event preparation

 Japan day of Hope 2019 Stage Performance

Japan day of Hope Stall Photo

We appreciate any feedback for event.
Please contact to:

Thank you very much.

 This year 8 children from Fukushima will come to Cairns Refresh Camp in 21st July ~ 31st July.

We are planning event with peace boat in Cairns.

We will let you know more detail soon.


Once again, Thank you very much for all your support for Japan day of Hope.
We couldn't do this without your help.

We really appreciate it.

Smile with Kids Team




It's already here!  Time flies...

We had the sound rehearsal & photo exhibition preparation today.
We hope a lot of people are coming tomorrow to enjoy the Japanese culture & food
and also pick up some new information about Fukushima's on-going situation.

If you already know about Fukushima, please come and share it with others.
If you don't know anything about it, please come and learn.
Knowing about it is the first step of the support.

Of course, there are a lot of fun activities at the event;

The Charity Auction will be starting around 13:20.
We have started a new system from this year.
This year, we will incorporate a “Pre-Auction” system for more people to join our charity auction.
You can’t come to the event? Even if you are at the event you can’t join Open Auction? You live far?
Not to worry! You can still participate!
Before the event
A list of Auction and photos will be up on the Facebook event page.
Please send us a message by a messenger with the item number, name and a price you want to bid(Max).
On the day of Event
Auction Items will be on the display near the entrance.
Each item will have a paper so please write the price you want to bid, name and contact number.
You can still bid by messenger as well.
This will close half an hour before (12:50am) an Open Auction. We will be contacting you if you are a highest bidder at this stage. If we can’t reach you, then the next highest bidder will be the highest.
Open Auction (13:20 estimate)
An Open Auction will start bidding from the highest Pre-Auction price.
To participate to Auction, please come near to the stage where the Auctioneer can see you or have something bright when you put the hand up for bidding.
When all the auction is finished, please come to the table to make a payment.
If you are still the highest bidder from Pre-Auction, we will contact you again.
We prefer the payment by cash, but if you are unbale to (live far, or not at the event anymore), you can direct deposit to our account. Once the full deposit is made, you can collect the item from Maruyu (Japanese Convenience Store) or we will send the item to you (the freight will be at your cost.)
This is the first year we will try this so if there is any incovenience, please forgive us..

We will also be holding a Charity Raffle.
The draw will be at the end of the event.

We appreciate all donation providers, volunteer staff and supporters!!
Not only the Raffle & Auction, but a lot of stalls and stages are also
supported by donations.
Many thanks, let's make this a wonderful day together!!

We are looking forward for you to show up!!

With gratitude

Smile with Kids