
Japan day of hope 2016

Thank you very much for supporting Smile with Kids.

Our next Japan Day of Hope Event is on 5th March 2016(Sat).

We are lookifg for ...

☆Stage performance

☆Booth, Food Stall-Volunteer Staff

☆Raffle tickets to be sold

Please contact us whenever you have questions

or call  0403−112−116

Thank you very much for your support.It's much appreciated

Cairns Taiko

Yosakoi 煌Fun

"SHAMISEN" the Japanese musical instrument


Karate performance

Uklove Cairns

Also, We will have ZUMBA performance and THE SECRET BANDS  this year!

*Foods and work shops*

Kakigori Dream
TAKAs Organic Vege shop
Origami Cairns By Yuka
Abacus by wallis~Soroban workshop~
Tea Ceremony Ciarns
Pastel art
Reiki healing 


Atherton Japanese Community
Temari unitierra By Haruka